
Redefining the office experience through design

19th June 2024 - 1 min
Cornhill Lounge

Our ambitious renovation program, led by renowned architect Damion Burrows, has redefined and reimagined the office experience and set a new benchmark for office design in the capital.

Translating brand identity into heritage spaces

The renovation seamlessly blends our brand identity with the historic essence of each building, resulting in office environments that combine the comforts of home with high-end amenities, emphasising detail, comfort, and functionality.

Three pillars of the refurbishment project:

  • Honouring history and legacy: Preserving the unique historic features of each building.
  • Optimising energy efficiency and ESG credentials: Ensuring the buildings meet modern sustainability standards.
  • Unifying the portfolio: Creating a cohesive and signature Argyll experience across all properties.

Embracing heritage

The project reimagined six exceptional properties, covering 275,000 square feet of prime London Grade I and II listed buildings, including; 1 Cornhill, 78-79 Pall Mall, 53 Davies Street, 2 Eaton Gate, 84 Brook Street, and Central Court at Chancery Lane.

Davies Street reception area-

A unified experience

A cohesive narrative was created across the portfolio using coherent colour palettes, panelling, and fabrics. Collaborating with celebrity perfumer Azzi Glasser, we developed a signature scent, Argyll No.3, to foster continuity across all buildings.

Retrofitting listed London buildings

Upgrading the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings of listed buildings was central to the refurbishment program. Through consultations with heritage consultants and sustainability engineers, the project showcased how historic structures could be retrofitted to meet modern energy efficiency demands.

Balancing design and practicality

The renovation balanced high-end bespoke designs with practical workplace needs, catering to private office customers seeking sustainability, high-end amenities, and comfort. By celebrating and carefully retrofitting the heritage fabric of the buildings, the result reimagined office space, blending historic elegance with modern functionality.

Learn more about the details of the renovation program from those involved.